Problem Class Selection
Input Selection
Once you have selected a problem class, you will have to choose the instance/instances you want to work on.
There are currently four available options:
1. File based input: You will be prompted to select an input file that matches the problem class specific instance format.
2. Automatically generated input: You will be provided a form to specify problem-specific parameter values.
3. Textbox input: You will enter an instance directly into a textbox which matches the problem class specific format.
4. Benchmark instanes: You will be able to select between provided instances with special properties.
Parameter Guide
For House Allocation,
- Probability of Ties: ties in the preferences of applicants over houses
- Minimum/Maximum Preference List size: restrictions on preferences of applicants over houses
- House popularity skewness: skewness affects the probability that a given house will be chosen from those remaining with the most popular house being k times as likely as the least popular house (for skewness factor k), and the other houses linearly distributed in between
- Even position distribution: boolean whether positions should be equally or randomly distributed to houses
For Hospital Residents,
- Probability of Ties (Hospitals): ties in the preferences of hospitals over residents
- Probability of Ties (Residents): ties in the preferences of residents over hospitals
- Minimum/Maximum Preference List size (Residents): restrictions on preferences of residents over hospitals
- Hospital popularity skewness: skewness affects the probability that a given hospital will be chosen from those remaining with the most popular hospital being k times as likely as the least popular hospital (with skewness factor k), and the other hospitals linearly distributed in between
- Resident popularity skewness: skewness affects the probability that a given resident will be chosen from those remaining with the most popular resident being k times as likely as the least popular resident (with skewness factor k), and the other residents linearly distributed in between
- Even position distribution: boolean whether positions should be equally or randomly distributed to hospitals
For Stable Roommates,
- Probability of Ties: ties in the preferences of roommates over each other
- Preference List Density: fraction of other roommates that appear in a roommate's preference list
For Student-Project Allocation,
- Even position distribution: boolean whether lecturer and project capacities should be equally or randomly distributed to lecturers and projects, respectively
- Min/Max student pref length: restrictions on preferences of students over projects
- Student skewness: skewness affects the probability that a given student will be chosen from those remaining with the most popular student being k times as likely as the least popular student (with skewness factor k), and the other students linearly distributed in between
- Project skewness: skewness affects the probability that a given project will be chosen from those remaining with the most popular project being k times as likely as the least popular project (with skewness factor k), and the other projects linearly distributed in between
- Probability of Ties (Students): ties in the preferences of students over projects
- Probability of Ties (Lecturers): ties in the preferences of lecturers over students
Required Instance Formats
For House Allocation,
the first line contains two numbers separated by a space - the first one, x, indicates the number of applicants
and the second one, y, indicates the number of houses.
The next x lines are for the preference lists of the applicants. Each line contains the preferences of an applicant over the houses as a space separated list. After those lines, there are y lines that contain a single number - the capacity of the house represented by the line.
The following is an example contents of a HA input string:
3 2
1 2
1 2
2 1
We can see that there are 3 applicants and 2 houses.
Applicants 1 and 2 each prefer house 1 over house 2 while applicant 3 prefers house 2 over house 1.
House 1 has capacity 2, while house 2 has capacity 1.
For Hospitals/Residents,
the first line contains two numbers separated by a space - the first one, x, indicates the number of residents
and the second one, y, indicates the number of hospitals.
The following x lines are for the preference lists of the residents. The resident id is directly followed by a colon and a space, the preferences follow as a space separated list. Ties are represented by putting brackets around the preference entries.
The next y lines are for the preference lists of the hospitals. The hospital id is directly followed by a colon and a space, then the hospital's capacity, a colon and a space, and finally the preferences as a space separated list. Ties are represented by putting brackets around the preference entries.
The following is an example contents of an HR input string:
4 2
1: (2 1)
2: 2
3: (1 2)
4: 1
1: 1: (3 4 1)
2: 3: (3 2 1)
We can see that there are 4 residents and 2 hospitals.
The first resident has id 1 and does not prefer one hospital over the other due to ties.
The second resident has id 2 and only finds hospital 2 acceptable.
The first hospital has id 1, capacity 1, and no preference over the applicants due to ties.
For Stable Roommates,
the first line contains a single number - the number of roommates, x. The next x lines are the preference lists of each roommate over the remaining roommates. Ties are represented by putting brackets around the preference entries.
The following is an example contents of a SR input string:
3 2 4
1 4 3
2 1 4
3 1 2
We can see that there are 4 roommates.
The first roommate prefers roommate 3 over 2 and 4 and prefers roommate 2 over roommate 4.
For Student-Project Allocation,
the first line contains three numbers separated by a space - the first one, x, indicates the number of students, the second one, y, indicates the number of projects, and the third one, z, indicates the number of lecturers.
The following x lines are for the preference lists of the students. The student id is directly followed by a colon and a space, the preferences follow as a space separated list. Ties are represented by putting brackets around the preference entries.
The next z lines are for the preference lists of the lecturers. The lecturer id is directly followed by a colon and a space, then the lecturer's capacity, a colon and a space, and finally the preferences as a space separated list. Ties are represented by putting brackets around the preference entries.
Finally, the last y lines capture the project information. Each line starts with the project id followed by a colon and space, then the project capacity followed by a colon and space and finally the lecturer id who supervises the project.
The following is an example contents of an SPA input string:
4 3 2
1: 3 1
2: 1 2 3
3: 2 3
4: 3 2
1: 2: 2 3 1 4
2: 2: 3 4 2 1
1: 2: 1
2: 1: 2
3: 1: 2
We can see that there are 4 students, 3 projects, and 2 lecturers.
The first student has id 1 and prefers project 3 over project 1 and does not find project 2 acceptable.
The first lecturer has id 1, capacity 2, and prefers student 2 over 3 over 1 over 4.
Project 1 has capacity 2 and is supervised by lecturer 1.
Algorithm Selection
Once input has been provided, you will be given a list of algorithms to choose from. Select as many algorithms as you wish to run. Note that each algorithm has a short tooltip describing its operation.
Note that if no algorithms are presented, then there is no algorithm available that can solve the given instance.
1. Save Instances: will save the input instances currently supplied to the program. This is good for saving randomly generated instances
2. Save Current Results: will save the results that are currently active on the screen. This is also the only way to save graph output at this point.
3. Save All Results: will save all of the textual results that have been generated. Note that this will not save graphical output.
Note that option 1 is available only after input has been provided and options 2 and 3 are only available once results have been produced.
Current Contributors
- Frederik Glitzner
- Implementation of SPA problem class
- Implementation of Tan-Hsueh & Maximum Stable Matching (SR) algorithms
- Making MATWA more flexible and friendly
- Active development/maintanance
- David Manlove
- Supervision and support on the projects
- Active development/maintanance
- William Pettersson
- Active development/maintenance
Former Contributors
- Frances Cooper
- Implementation of popular matching algorithms
- Visualisation of switching graph
- Susan Fairley
- Implementation of an algorithm for SMTI under strong-stability
- Implementation of a random instance generator for SM, SMI, SMT and SMTI problems
- Rob Irving
- Supervision and support on the projects
- Implementation of a random instance generator for HR and HRT
- Implementation of resident-oriented and hospital-oriented heuristics for MAX HRT
- Implementation of algorithms for finding profile-based optimal matching algorithms
- Augustine Kwanashie
- Visualisation of structures including rotation posets and Hasse diagrams and other modification to the front-end GUI
- Implementation of algorithms for finding all stable matchings for SRI and SMI
- Implementation of Kiraly's approximation algorithm for MAX HROST
- Implementation one-sided profile-based optimal SPA algorithms
- Development/maintanance
- Stephen Lavery
- Legacy Implementation of an algorithm for finding a student-optimal stable matching in SPA-S
- Legacy Implementation of a random instance generator for SPA
- Boris Lazarov
- Implementation of web application using Python / Django and Spring Boot
- Development/maintenance
- Andy Leitch
- Implementation of algorithms for HR and HRT under super-stability
- Zhiyuan Lin
- Greedy, Generous and Popular algorithms for CHAT problems
- Development/maintanance
- Ryan Mackinnon
- Implementation of Algorithm SMT-super
- Asim Mahmood
- Implementation of an algorithms for finding a popular matchings in HA
- Implementation of a random instance generator for HA
- Andrei Palade
- Developed web app version of toolkit using Google Web Toolkit
- Dimitar Petrov
- MAX HRT approximation algorithm for one-sided and two-sided ties by Kiraly
- Aleš Remta
- Initial development of the matching toolkit
- Implementation of EGS algorithm for SMI and algorithm for maximum Pareto optimal matching in HA
- Colin Sng
- Implementation of an algorithm for finding a stable matching or reporting that none exists in SR
- Implementation of a random instance generator for SR
- Suiyi Yang
- Implementation of an algorithm for finding an SMI maximum popular matching
- Philip Yuile
- Implementation of the front-end GUI application
- Various modifications to random instance generators and wrapper classes
- Implementation of algorithms for finding profile-based optimal matchings in HAT and popular matchings in HA
- Yiting Zhang
- Legacy Implementation of an algorithm for finding a lecturer-optimal stable matching in SPA-S
- EGS - Extended Gale Shapley Algorithm
- HA - House Allocation Problem
- HAT - House Allocation Problem with Ties
- HRT - Hospitals/Residents Problem with Ties
- MAX HROST - Maximum Cardinality Stable Matching in the Hospitals/Residents Problem with one sided Ties
- MAX HRT - Maximum Cardinality Stable Matching in the Hospitals/Residents Problem with Ties
- SM - Stable Marriage Problem
- SMT - Stable Marriage Problem with Ties
- SMI - Stable Marriage Problem with Incomplete Lists
- SMTI - Stable Marriage Problem with Ties and Incomplete Lists
- SR - Stable Roommates Problem
- SRI - Stable Roommates Problem with Incomplete lists
- SPA - Student-Project Allocation Problem
- SPA-S - Student-Project Allocation with Lecturer preferences over Students
- SPA-ST - Student-Project Allocation with Lecturer preferences over Students and Ties
Reporting Bugs